A Character Review of Scout from TKaM by Harper Lee

In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, the main character and narrator of the story, Scout Finch lives in the quaint little town of Maycomb with her brother, Jem, her dad, Atticus, and her families black maid Calpurnia.

Jean Louise Finch, also known as Scout is a  five year old girl (at the start of the book) who is extremely  intelligent, thoughtful, and confident, Although she has many great traits she doesn't really know how to control what she tells others so  she ends up getting into trouble easily. She is like this because of the way her father, Atticus raised her, she grew up with a nurtured mind and was never shamed by Atticus for being different from the other girls around her who were learning their manners when Scout was off having fun with Jem and Dill.
At the start of the book, she has just started first grade and is already literate unlike some of the other kids in her class, some may think that her being literate is a great thing but, when her teacher, Miss Caroline finds out about this, she tells Scout that she needs to stop reading and writing in order for her curriculum to work, once Scout is told that she cant read and write anymore, she becomes frustrated and doesn't want to return to school because she doesn't want to have to learn everything over again, instead she wants to learn new things. I think that in this scene, you can really see that Scout wants to learn new things and is curious about how things work.
As she is the one narrating the book when she is now 35 years old,I think that you can really tell that Scout has matured mentally and that she has gained a new perspective on how everything that happened during her childhood had affected her.
-Andrea Torelli


  1. A character sketch is an interesting idea for a blog post, and Scout is definitely a great choice. You did a good job concisely summarizing her character, both the positive and negative aspects, as well as giving us a basic idea of her role in the plot of the book. Is Scout your favorite character in To Kill a Mockingbird, or the most interesting one to you? Nice job!


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