A Guide to Renée Ahdieh

These past few weeks, I’ve found myself oftentimes revisiting past authors or book series, and the one constant has been Renée Ahdieh. An American-Korean author, Renée Ahdieh has written some of my favorite novels including The Wrath and The Dawn, Flame in The Mist, and The Beautiful. Considering all three of her major book series range in setting, plot, and characters, I’ve decided to provide a guide to help navigate any possible readers through her work. 
  1. To start off, we’ve got The Wrath and The Dawn which is inspired by One Thousand and One Nights, a collection of Arabic folk tales more commonly known in English as Arabian Nights. The novel takes place in the city of Rey in the kingdom of Khorasan where every night Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph takes a new bride only to kill her just as the sun rises the next morning. When sixteen-year-old Shahrzad's best friend Shiva falls victim to Khalid, Shahrzad is consumed with only one thought: revenge, and volunteers to be his next bride. Determined to stay alive and exact vengeance, each night Shahrzad tells Khalid enchanting stories which she discontinues just as the climax ensues. As Shahrzad spends more time in Khalid’s company, she finds herself falling in love with this supposed “monster” and is forced to reconsider all she holds dear. If you’re a fan of fairy tale retellings, fantasy, romance, and strong female leads, The Wrath and The Dawn is the perfect novel for you.
  2. Next on the list is Flame in The Mist, a historical fantasy novel set in feudal Japan which could be described as Disney’s Mulan meets YA Literature. Flame in The Mist follows Mariko, the seventeen-year-old daughter of a prominent samurai. The novel starts off with Mariko on her
    way to meet her betrothed, however her plans are thwarted when her group is attacked by a band of assassins, leaving Mariko the only survivor. Mariko assumes the disguise of a boy and vows to track down those responsible for the deaths of her companions. When she encounters the men she thinks are to blame, Mariko must infiltrate their group to accomplish her goals. However, it is in the midst of their world, one so different from any she has known, that Mariko begins to realize her true potential. If you’re a fan of mystery, magic, adventure, and romance, make sure to add Flame in The Mist to your reading list. 
  3. Finally, let’s end with Renée Ahdieh’s latest release, The Beautiful which is set in 1872 New Orleans, where a young former dressmaker named Celine arrives after fleeing Paris. Celine quickly becomes
    acquainted with a woman named Odette whom she designs a dress for, for the upcoming Mardi Gras masquerade. Soon after, Odette introduces Celine to the Court of Lions, a group of
    paranormal/inhuman beings under the command of Le Comte de Saint Germain (yup, that’s really his name) whose only heir, his nephew, Bastien begins developing a relationship with Celine. And just as life beings retaining some sense of normalcy for Celine, a string of brutal murders are committed, and it seems as if the target is Celine. If you enjoy novels with mystery, paranormal beings, action, and romance, The Beautiful is the perfect book for you. 

And that concludes this post! I hope you’ve found at least some inspiration on future books to read, and I look forward to seeing you all soon!

- Mariam Vaid


  1. Wow! I really enjoyed many of Renee Ahdieh's books, so I was very excited to see this blog post. You did a great job of introducing her books and piquing my interest with just a few sentences. Although I have read The Wrath and the Dawn and Flame in the Mist (and enjoyed both), you still made me want to read your post until the end. I hadn't realized that Ahdieh had released a new book -- I can't wait to read it! Thanks for posting!


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